The tail end of the migration process is a call to schema.dump. Our
primary keys are uuids and these choke schema.dump on both oracle and
postgres. The latter fails silently (skips three tables) while the
former complains about the RAW(16) in each of the three tables.
Anyone had a similar experience?
If you are using stuff the ruby schema dumper does not understand you
may just have to switch the schema dumper format to :sql (in
environment.rb), although this does tend to kill cross database
If you are using stuff the ruby schema dumper does not understand you
may just have to switch the schema dumper format to :sql (in
environment.rb), although this does tend to kill cross database
OK, I'll look into that. Thank
Setting 'config.active_record.schema_format = :sql' in environment.rb
appears to have turned dump off altogether. Was that the expected
Yes. Instead db/development.sql (if you are doing this in the development environment) is populated. IIRC it's not automatically updated after migrations have run.