Scheduling Plugin


We are looking for a calendar scheduling solution that supports recurring events.

Some specific requirements are that we need to be able to setup recurring events, then modify one of those events on a certain day by deleting it for example.

Basically, we want the back end for a Google Calender type functionality.

Ive dug around in GitHub and there are tons of recurring plugins but not many that have discrete events that we can subsequently manipulate.

The best I have found is Schedule_fu . It seems like a good match, but I wanted to throw it out to the community before I dived head in and see if anybody had feedback.



We are looking for a calendar scheduling solution that supports recurring events.

I haven't used it, but when I was filling idle time a little bit ago the one I found that I liked the best was: GitHub - ice-cube-ruby/ice_cube: Ruby Date Recurrence Library - Allows easy creation of recurrence rules and fast querying. Its development seems a lot more active than the one you have, which is generally pretty important to me when searching out gems, since things in Rails move so fast.

Some specific requirements are that we need to be able to setup recurring events, then modify one of those events on a certain day by deleting it for example.

Basically, we want the back end for a Google Calender type functionality.

Again, haven't used it but from the perusing it claims to do this (from their github landing page):

  With ice_cube, you can specify (in order of precendence)

    Exception Dates - To specifically exclude from a schedule     Recurrence Dates - To specifically include in a schedule     Exception Rules - Rules on how to exclude recurring dates in a schedule     Recurrence Rules - Rules on how to include recurring dates in a schedule

HTH, \Peter

I looked at IceCube a while back, and the biggest issue I had from an implementation perspective was that the DSL for building recurrence rules was awesome *but* there wasn't a clear path to build it from user input. calendar_fu is not quite as syntactically nice, but it seems more "user-ready", if you will.

BTW, if you haven't checked out FullCalendar ( fullcalendar/) you should - it's a pretty slick jQuery plugin to handle the *other* half of the calendar system.

--Matt Jones