scaffold default form layout

Hello Newbie to rails ..... When I use logic .. rails generate scaffold Test name:string date:date etc the default layout puts boxes top down.

name: date: etc How can I change the position of these boxes should I want to? - what if I want date field 2cm to the right or left


I suggest working right through a good tutorial such as (which is free to use online). That will show you the basics of Rails.

To answer your question however you just have to edit the erb files in app/views/tests. You may have to provide appropriate CSS also of course. But do the tutorial first.

Note however that it is not a good idea to have a model called Test, I think you may run into problems with test being a reserved word.


Colin Law wrote in post #1107648:

Really, do the tutorial first. Otherwise you will later look back on these questions and be embarrassed.


Colin Law wrote in post #1107662: