Saving url into database

Hi all,   I have created a ruby script which scraps the video url from a website I want to implement it in rails I tried to implement it but I am unable to implement it it shows [[undefined method `save' for :Array]].......

Here is my controller code

class DevourController < ApplicationController   require 'net/http'   require 'open-uri'   def index   source =      array =     for path in 1..2     puts "Currently Executing Page No:----#{path}"     source = Net::HTTP.get('',"/#{path}")     html_tags=source.scan(/https?:[^"]*|http?:[^']*/)    #html_tags.gsub(/['"]/)    #puts html_tags    videos=      html_tags.each do |links|      videos << links if links.include?("/video/")    end     videos.uniq!     #puts videos.size     l=     videos.each do |y|     l << y.chomp('/')     array << l     end     puts l     puts "Successfully Executed"      end     array.uniq!     #puts l     puts array     puts array.size    puts "**********************************"    #Executing The Links To Get The Video Links   @original =   array.each do |f|   f.each do |url|   puts url.class   puts url   uri=URI(url)   @original << Net::HTTP.get(uri)   end   end   puts @original   puts @original.size   end

def create @original=Link.all end


Your @original object seems to be an Array instead of an Active Record object. So all you have to do is to loop through the @original and for each value save the data.