Run rake tasks from the controller


How can I run rake tasks from the controller and send extra params to it too? Thanks,


Why do you run rake tasks in the controller? controllers are not really good to execute rake tasks. move it into the model and call it from the controller.

Elias Orozco wrote:


But how can I call a rake task from the model, and send some extra params to it?



For example with BJ, so the webserver is no permanently in use...

- Bj.submit "cmd.exe /c rake kipf:convert_movie id=#{id}" in windows - Bj.submit "system rake kipf:convert_movie id=#{id}" in linux (not sure)

Elias Orozco wrote:

Maybe is good to explain what I am trying to do a little more. I want to create a directory (folder) for a particular user when he/she creates an account in my website. That will be the folder were all the things he/she uploads will be stored. So I want to run a rake task that will create the user folder once he registers. So the idea is to have a rake task on an observer and pass the user business name that will be used to name the folder.

I hope I explained myself.


Great, great stuff, thanks a lot guys! I was thinking about using the ftools, but doubt overcame me. I'm never too sure which approach I must take. Thanks again for your input.

I ran this approach to FAILSAFE the file creation. What do you guys think:

    def create_directory       FileUtils.mkdir_p RAILS_ROOT+"/public/#{}"       unless"/public/#{}")         raise "#{} folder couldn't be created"       end     end