RubyZip zip file creation works on localhost but not heroku

I have rubyzip 0.9.9 and am creating a zip file like so:, Zip::ZipFile::CREATE) do |zipfile|

#code goes here


When I give it a zip path like this: zip_path = File.join(Rails.root, “/tmp/zips/#{}.zip”) , it works fine locally, but not on heroku. On heroku I get an error like: failed with Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory - /tmp/zips/31.zip20140115-1059-1j1bx6

I looks like it’s appending a timestamp onto the filepath for some reason. I switched to using zip_path = File.expand_path('/tmp/zips/#{}.zip"), and I get that same “No such file or directory” error on localhost also.

What’s going on here? Something with the RubyZip gem?

I have rubyzip 0.9.9 and am creating a zip file like so:, Zip::ZipFile::CREATE) do |zipfile| #code goes here end

When I give it a zip path like this: zip_path = File.join(Rails.root, "/tmp/zips/#{}.zip") , it works fine locally, but not on heroku. On heroku I get an error like: failed with Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory - /tmp/zips/31.zip20140115-1059-1j1bx6

I looks like it's appending a timestamp onto the filepath for some reason. I switched to using zip_path = File.expand_path('/tmp/zips/#{}.zip"), and I get that same "No such file or directory" error on localhost also.

Does the tmp/zips folder exist on heroku (remember that git doesn't handle empty directories)


I'm pretty sure you can't save files on heroku. You would need to save it to something like AWS.

If it's for a user you could just offload it onto them too by using something like jszip and doing it in browser.