rubygems (LoadError)

I'm trying to set up a cron job with a runner that calls a method in one of my models. I'm using javan's whenever gem to do this and I'm running CentOS on my server. Whenever the cron executes though I'm getting the following error:

`require': no such file to load -- rubygems (LoadError)

The method uses the 'mail' and 'nokogiri' gems. I tried cron again by including 'require rubygems' as well, but that doesn't seem to help. I suspect that it may be a problem with my path variables.

Any advice on how to fix this though? Thanks, any help would be really appreciated.

I'm trying to set up a cron job with a runner that calls a method in one of my models. I'm using javan's whenever gem to do this and I'm running CentOS on my server. Whenever the cron executes though I'm getting the following error:

How is ruby installed on your server?


Frederick Cheung wrote in post #995357:

How is ruby installed on your server?


Thanks for the response, Fred. When I run the method within terminal it works with no problem, I'm just getting these gem issues with cron.

ruby -v shows the following:

ruby 1.9.2p180 (2011-02-18 revision 30909) [x86_64-linux]

and gem environment shows:

  - RUBY VERSION: 1.9.2 (2011-02-18 patchlevel 180) [x86_64-linux]

cron by default uses a more restrictive set of environment variables. You may need to tweak the jobs settings so that everything is set correctly in the variables (from what I can remember off the top of my head):

   PATH (make sure cron can find all the binaries it needs),    LANG (make sure the encoding is the same, en_US is crons default IIRC, and it may need en_US.utf8),    RUBYOPT,    RAILS_GEM_VERSION,    GEM_HOME,    GEM_PATH

It may be a good idea to run a junk cron job in there to just run the 'set' command and dump it out to a file so you can see what environment cron has when trying to run by default.


Jason Stover wrote in post #995372:

   PATH (make sure cron can find all the binaries it needs),    LANG (make sure the encoding is the same, en_US is crons default IIRC, and it may need en_US.utf8),    RUBYOPT,    RAILS_GEM_VERSION,    GEM_HOME,    GEM_PATH

It may be a good idea to run a junk cron job in there to just run the 'set' command and dump it out to a file so you can see what environment cron has when trying to run by default.


Thanks a lot, Jason. Yeah, I figured it was my path and I also noticed that 'which ruby' showed that I was using two different locations, so I put in my $PATH at the top of my cron and that fixed the LoadError.

I'm not getting that anymore, however now I'm getting the following SQLException when using cron:

runner.rb:50:in `eval': SQLite3::SQLException: no such table: users: SELECT "users".* FROM "users" (ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid)

Hrmm.... if your database is correct, then I'd say be sure to pass the correct RAILS_ENV paramater to cron.... like:

  * * * * * /usr/bin/env RAILS_ENV=development /usr/local/bin/ruby [path to]/somescript.rb


Jason Stover wrote in post #995384:

Hrmm.... if your database is correct, then I'd say be sure to pass the correct RAILS_ENV paramater to cron.... like:

  * * * * * /usr/bin/env RAILS_ENV=development /usr/local/bin/ruby [path to]/somescript.rb


You're the man, Jason. Thanks a lot! That sure did the trick. Cron/whenever is now fully working.