ruby/rails newby needs help with passing parameters to testcases

I'm trying to pass parameters into a Selenium testcase using Test::Unit:Testcase ... would I do this with a fixture or simply pass parameters somehow into a class I create like:

myTest =, param2, param3)

Basically I want to write 1 test that will log into an application I made as different users and validate the outcome. The parameters are user name, password and database. I'm not really familiar with fixtures (if that's what I should be using) or if I should be passing parameters in a separate test suite file ... not sure. Any advice or a website you could point me to I'd appreciate it.


My class is below__________________________________________

require 'test/unit' require '../selenium'

class TC_LoginTest < Test::Unit::TestCase   include SeleniumHelper

  def setup     @selenium ="localhost", 4444, "*iexplore", 10000);     @selenium.start   end

  def teardown     @selenium.stop   end

  def test_doLogin       #open the special test login page that doesn't need SSL (since Se doesn't like SSL)       open('/myapp/utils/specialLogin.cfm')       uncheck(name="myChkBox")       type(name="UName", username)       type(name="Pass", password)       click(database)       # after providing username and password we click the database button we want to test and validate       sleep 5       assert_equal("nickc",get_text("userName"),["User name doesn't match login name"])       assert_equal("Developer",get_text("profileName"),["Profile name doesn't match login name"])

