I want to save the IDS of my 3 models to my table DETAILS between these, my BD is Mysql. SUBJECTS--MALLAS--LEVELS-------->SUBJECT_ID--_MALLA_ID--_LEVEL_ID

In the view MALLA, i list my subjects, mallas and levels, and in the controller MALLA i try to get save the arrays to subjects_mallas_levels.

Why have you posted this again? I have replied to your first posting.


Hi Colin, really ?? sorry, I tried to simplificate my question...!

Please, if you know how to solve, tell me men.

See my reply to your initial posting.


The trouble Colin is I accidentally deleted my first post, it was the first time i signed up, so i was trying to know how the forum works.

Please man help me with that, really I need to solve it for my thesis.

The trouble Colin is I accidentally deleted my first post, it was the first time i signed up, so i was trying to know how the forum works.

Please man help me with that, really I need to solve it for my thesis.

Please quote the previous message when replying as this is actually a mailing list not a forum, though you may be accessing it using a forum-like interface. My reply was:

You need to show us the exact error and the line of code it is failing on (with the lines around it). First, though, have a look at the Rails Guide on Debugging which will show you techniques that you can use to debug your code.


Thanks for you replying Colin:

Look, this's my message of error:

NoMethodError in MallacurricularesController#create undefined method `save' for :ActiveRecord::Relation

Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"CEX4yZeFmrSOspseMm2/d8rzPzu/3FYI2w8d7XZ1Ji0=", "malla"=>{"clase_id"=>"1", "subjects_ids"=>["3", "4", "5"]}, "level"=>"3", "commit"=>"GUARDAR"}

The parameters looks good, and my controller is:

  def new     @asignatura = Asignatura.find(:all)     @clase = Clase.find(:all)     @nivel = Nivel.find(:all)     @malla =   end

def create      @malla =[:malla])      @subject = @malla.subjects(params[:subject_ids])      @level = @malla.levels(params[:level])

       if and and        redirect_to mallacurriculares_menu_principal_admin_path, :notice => 'MALLA created'        end   end

In my controller i want to save the "ids" that i chose in the view form to my model: subject_malla_level.

And i dont know how to do it, please help men :frowning: