Ruby on Rails download page misleading instructions: Ruby 1.9.2p0 + RubyGems = error

Attempting to install RubyGems onto Ruby 1.9.2 (in my case - installer for Windows) as the RoR download page suggests causes the following very non-informative error:

source_index.rb:68:in `installed_spec_directories': undefined method `path' for Gem:Module (NoMethodError)

Apparently Ruby 1.9.2 (at least the installer for Windows) comes with RubyGems bundled. Just FYI for RoR webmasters & fellow newbies such as myself that don't keep track of Ruby's new features.


I get the exact same error using Ubuntu 10.10 with Ruby 1.9.2p136 . I am thrown for a loop on this one. What is wrong?

root@ubuntu-VirtualBox:/home/adminuser/Desktop/rubygems-1.4.0# ruby ./setup.rb /home/adminuser/Desktop/rubygems-1.4.0/lib/rubygems/source_index.rb:62:in `installed_spec_directories': undefined method `path' for Gem:Module (NoMethodError)   from /home/adminuser/Desktop/rubygems-1.4.0/lib/rubygems/source_index.rb:52:in `from_installed_gems'   from /home/adminuser/Desktop/rubygems-1.4.0/lib/rubygems.rb:914:in `source_index'   from /home/adminuser/Desktop/rubygems-1.4.0/lib/rubygems/gem_path_searcher.rb:98:in `init_gemspecs'   from /home/adminuser/Desktop/rubygems-1.4.0/lib/rubygems/gem_path_searcher.rb:13:in `initialize'   from /home/adminuser/Desktop/rubygems-1.4.0/lib/rubygems.rb:873:in `new'   from /home/adminuser/Desktop/rubygems-1.4.0/lib/rubygems.rb:873:in `searcher'   from /home/adminuser/Desktop/rubygems-1.4.0/lib/rubygems.rb:495:in `find_files'   from /home/adminuser/Desktop/rubygems-1.4.0/lib/rubygems.rb:1034:in `load_plugins'   from /home/adminuser/Desktop/rubygems-1.4.0/lib/rubygems/gem_runner.rb:84:in `<top (required)>'   from <internal:lib/rubygems/custom_require>:29:in `require'   from <internal:lib/rubygems/custom_require>:29:in `require'   from ./setup.rb:25:in `<main>' root@ubuntu-VirtualBox:/home/adminuser/Desktop/rubygems-1.4.0# ruby -v ruby 1.9.2p136 (2010-12-25 revision 30365) [x86_64-linux]

I get a error using Ubuntu 10.10 with Ruby 1.9.2p136 and trying to manually install the GEM package. I am thrown for a loop on this one. What is wrong?

I get a error using Ubuntu 10.10 with Ruby 1.9.2p136 and trying to manually install the GEM package. I am thrown for a loop on this one. What is wrong?

Well ruby 1.9 comes with a version of rubygems builtin and the docs for rubygems 1.4 say "NOTE: Ruby 1.9 ships with rubygems and contains a very buggy "gem-prelude". It is a gem loading system that can interfere with updating rubygems itself. We do NOT recommend you update to rubygems 1.4 if you're running ruby 1.9.x until we get that sorted out in a future ruby release"


Thanks for the info on gem-prelude. I already suspected that 1.4 might have an issue and so I also tried a manual install of GEM 1.36 but I had the exact same issue. So, I doubt that this is an issue only concerning 1.4 .... Any further ideas?


Frederick Cheung wrote in post #971797:

Thanks for the info on gem-prelude. I already suspected that 1.4 might have an issue and so I also tried a manual install of GEM 1.36 but I had the exact same issue. So, I doubt that this is an issue only concerning 1.4 .... Any further ideas?

You don't need that because rubygems 1.3.7 because that is part of ruby 1.9.2


Thank you. I was able to workaround it by installing the "Ruby 1.9.1" package on Ubuntu, which is actually Ruby 1.9.2, to my surprise. I wasn't able to get through the manual install but Ubuntus packages are working for me. Thanks.


Frederick Cheung wrote in post #971863: