What will this Ruby code return?
answer = "runthisnafleogw"
p answer[0..2]
p answer[3..6]
p answer[5..5]+answer[7..7]
p answer[8..8]
p answer[9..9]+answer[5..5]+answer[10..11]
p answer[3..3]+answer[12..12]
p answer[13..13]+answer[11..11]+answer[3..3]
p answer[3..4]+answer[11..11]
p "answer"
June 5, 2010, 9:41am
What will this Ruby code return?
answer = “runthisnafleogw”
p answer[0…2]
p answer[3…6]
p answer[5…5]+answer[7…7]
p answer[8…8]
p answer[9…9]+answer[5…5]+answer[10…11]
p answer[3…3]+answer[12…12]
p answer[13…13]+answer[11…11]+answer[3…3]
p answer[3…4]+answer[11…11]
p “answer”
Srinivas, it will return the result of the last statement executed. In this case, it will
return the string “answer”. Things like this is easily verified within IRB console.
Good luck,
Thank You Conrad.,
In Ruby there is a command called ‘require’. Explain what this command
means and write an example of how it is used to include a Ruby Gem in
a file.
can you guide me in getting the answer.
Dude, you really need to stop asking the rails community to do your