I have this code @accept_ratio = @no_quotes / @no_accepted_quotes. I
am deviding an integer by an integer but the resultant is not an
iterger it should be floating to x decimal places. I was under the
impression that ruby took care of this sort of thing.
@no_quotes is 551
@no_accepted_quotes is 119
I am getting 4 in @accept_ratio which is wrong. It should be 4.63....
to however many decimal places.
How do I persuade ruby not to chop the decimal off? I would like
results to 2 decimal places.
I have this code @accept_ratio = @no_quotes / @no_accepted_quotes. I
am deviding an integer by an integer but the resultant is not an
iterger it should be floating to x decimal places. I was under the
impression that ruby took care of this sort of thing.
@no_quotes is 551
@no_accepted_quotes is 119
I am getting 4 in @accept_ratio which is wrong. It should be 4.63....
to however many decimal places.
How do I persuade ruby not to chop the decimal off? I would like
results to 2 decimal places.
Thanks in advance,
Paul Thompson
Change one of them to float. Ruby uses integer arithmetic with integers.
It works for me. You only really need to convert either of the arguments.
@accept_ratio.to_f = @no_quotes / @no_accepted_quotes will not work because it will first evaluate to the integer 4 and then convert that to a float....