Ruby and Rails stop working after restarting Linux server


I used rbenv to install the latest version of ruby. Then I use "gem install rails -v 4.2.4" to add rails. I install a few other gems and then setup the web app in question (in this case it's Redmine).

After I complete the install on my user that I'm using to host the Redmine process I'm able to launch the server, access it and use everything as normal.

However if I restart the server or even log out of the user I created for hosting Redmine neither the ruby nor rails commands will work any longer unless I reinstall the entire suite again. (I got rbenv to keep working on restart though).

ruby The program 'ruby' can be found in the following packages: * ruby * ruby1.8 Try: sudo apt-get install <selected package>

rails The program 'rails' can be found in the following packages: * ruby-railties-3.2 * ruby-railties-4.0 Try: sudo apt-get install <selected package>

I'm using Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and I used git clone to install rbenv and then used rbenv to install ruby. I did all the installs on the user I want to be hosting the app from.

The strange part is if I login to root I'm able to use ruby and rails after restart as normal, but I shouldn't be hosting the web app on root anyways.

I tried googling for the solution to this for quite a long time but none of the pages I found helped to fix this.

What do you think the problem is?

Have you followed the directions in the rbenv README on adding the installation to your PATH? It sounds like not...

Tell rbenv to use the default ruby version…I use rvm but rvm use 2.2 --default

Definitely RTFM.


So I managed to figure out what the issue was myself, I'll post the solution here in case others had a similar issue.

It was a folder permissions issue with the user I'd created to run the ruby on rails application which had existed before the installation.

Instead of spending time going through permissions I decided to just delete the user and folder, recreate the user and re-install rbenv, ruby and rails and now they all work properly on start up.

I had already read the readme and documentation and path was defined during installation, I came here looking for some actual input into the problem and instead I was met with a couple snarky comments from the same person.

Why even bother to respond to a question if you aren't going to read the OP's post to begin with? And why did you create two different guest names that both use the same e-mail (<>)? You come off as very unhelpful and full of yourself, and I hope most other users on this site aren't of a similar mindset.

Anyways my problem is solved and I posted the solution used, hopefully when the next person googles this issue they'll be able to find this useful and save themselves the trouble that I went through, later.

As far as I can see Hassan just asked if you had followed the instructions for adding the installation to your path. Had you replied saying yes, you had done that, then likely he would have suggested some other possibilities.

As to your other point, are you suggesting that Hassan and Robby O,Connor are the same person?

By the way, this is a mailing list not a forum (though you may be accessing it via a forum like interface) so please quote the previous message when replying so we don't have to look back at earlier emails to understand the context. Thanks.


I had already read the readme and documentation and path was defined during installation

Asking for clarification about something *not mentioned* in your original post is "snarky"? Your description of the symptoms could easily have pointed to a PATH problem.

Why even bother to respond to a question if you aren't going to read the OP's post to begin with?

Why post a question if you're not willing to respond to requests for clarifying information?

And why did you create two different guest names that both use the same e-mail

Sorry, but that's just delusional.

Glad your issue is resolved, and good luck.