Rspec, HAML with view testing

Hi all,

Has anyone experienced the following problem testing rspec against haml views

Attempting to run a view spec (partial)


it "should render it" do   render :partial => "users/foo", :locals => template_locals end

The following error is returned: 1) ActionView::MissingTemplate in 'shared/_jar_layout should render it' Missing templatet users/_foo.html.erb in view path .... /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-2.1.0/lib/action_view/ template.rb:85:in `raise_missing_template_exception'

I have tried stubbing the template via @template.stub!(:find_template_extension_for).and_return("haml") # same error returned

Any ideas on having the template load the correct view?

Thanks in advance,