Rspec failure on rails 3.2.6

I have a simple rspec test which is failing in after i upgrade to 3.2.6.

here is the spec in users_controller_spec.rb

describe "show action" do   before(:each) do     User.stub!(:find).with(   end

  def do_get     get :show, :id =>   end

  it "should be successful" do     do_get     response.should be_success   end end

and here is the error 1) UsersController show action should be successful Failure/Error: get :show, :id => ......................... (class)> received :find with unexpected arguments expected: (2) got: ("2")

Not sure where is going wrong. The show action has nothing in the controller, it is just def show end

it looks like parameters are now passed as strings.

How are you setting up in your tests? Is it possible that it is a string rather than an integer?
