rspec 2.7.0.rc1 is released!
This includes the following (see the changelog for each lib below):
rspec-2.7.0.rc1 rspec-core-2.7.0.rc1 rspec-expectations-2.7.0.rc1 rspec-mocks-2.7.0.rc1 rspec-rails-2.7.0.rc1
Please direct any questions or issues to the github issues tracker for each repository or
### rspec-core-2.7.0.rc1
full changelog: Comparing v2.6.4...v2.7.0.rc1 · rspec/rspec-core · GitHub
NOTE: RSpec's release policy dictates that there should not be any backward incompatible changes in minor releases, but we're making an exception to release a change to how RSpec interacts with other command line tools.
As of 2.7.0, you must explicity `require "rspec/autorun"` unless you use the `rspec` command (which already does this for you).
* Enhancements * Add example.exception (David Chelimsky) * --default_path command line option (Justin Ko) * support multiple --line_number options (David J. Hamilton) * also supports path/to/file.rb:5:9 (runs examples on lines 5 and 9) * Allow classes/modules to be used as shared example group identifiers (Arthur Gunn) * Friendly error message when shared context cannot be found (Sławosz Sławiński) * Clear formatters when resetting config (John Bintz) * Add xspecify and xexample as temp-pending methods (David Chelimsky) * Add --no-drb option (Iain Hecker) * Provide more accurate run time by registering start time before code is loaded (David Chelimsky) * Rake task default pattern finds specs in symlinked dirs (Kelly Felkins) * Rake task decides whether to use bundler or not based on presence of BUNDLE_GEMFILE (David Chelimsky)
* Bug fixes * Include Rake::DSL to remove deprecation warnings in Rake > 0.8.7 (Pivotal Casebook) * Only eval `let` block once even if it returns `nil` (Adam Meehan) * Fix --pattern option (wasn't being recognized) (David Chelimsky) * Only implicitly require "rspec/autorun" with the `rspec` command (David Chelimsky) * Ensure that rspec's at_exit defines the exit code (Daniel Doubrovkine) * Show the correct snippet in the HTML and TextMate formatters (Brian Faherty)
### rspec-expectations-2.7.0.rc1
full changelog:
* Enhancements * HaveMatcher converts argument using #to_i (Alex Bepple & Pat Maddox) * Improved failure message for the have_xxx matcher (Myron Marston) * HaveMatcher supports #count (Matthew Bellantoni) * Change matcher dups Enumerable before the action, supporting custom Enumerable types like CollectionProxy in Rails (David Chelimsky)
* Bug fixes * Fix typo in have(n).xyz documentation (Jean Boussier) * fix safe_sort for ruby 1.9.2 (Kernel now defines <=> for Object) (Peter van Hardenberg)
### rspec-mocks-2.7.0.rc1
full changelog:
* Enhancements * Use `__send__` rather than `send` (alextk) * Add support for any_instance.stub_chain (Sidu Ponnappa) * Add support for any_instance argument matching based on `with` (Sidu Ponnappa and Andy Lindeman)
* Changes * Check for #failure_message_for_should or #failure_message instead of #description to detect a matcher (Tibor Claassen)
* Bug fixes * pass a hash to `any_instance.stub`. (Justin Ko) * allow :to_ary to be called without raising NoMethodError (Mikhail Dieterle)
### rspec-rails-2.7.0.rc1
full changelog:
* Enhancments * ActiveRecord::Relation can use the "=~" matcher (Andy Lindeman) * Make generated controller spec more consistent with regard to ids (Brent J. Nordquist) * Less restrictive autotest mapping between spec and implementation files (José Valim) * require 'rspec/autorun' from generated spec_helper.rb (David Chelimsky) * bypass_rescue (Lenny Marks) * route_to accepts query string (Marc Weil)
* Internal * Added specs for generators using ammeter (Alex Rothenberg)
* Bug fixes * Fix configuration/integration bug with rails 3.0 (fixed in 3.1) in which fixure_file_upload reads from ActiveSupport::TestCase.fixture_path and misses RSpec's configuration (David Chelimsky) * Support nested resource in view spec generator (David Chelimsky) * Define `primary_key` on class generated by mock_model("WithAString") (David Chelimsky)