Why are the stylesheets and javascripts directories symbolic links on production?
I have over 3K files under javascripts (dojo library) that I don't want to deploy every time. Also, following the advice somewhere, given that javascripts/stylesheets/images don't change that often, it was recommended to put them in shared and create symbolic links from the deployed public directory.
Any thoughts on what could be causing the routing error?
It sounds like whatever webserver you're using on the Production machine (eg Apache, Nginx, etc) isn't actually handling the requests for the requests for the static javascripts/stylesheets. In the case of Apache (I don't have any real experience with anything else), make sure that Options +FollowSymLinks is in your .htaccess or your vhost container, and also depending on what Ruby app server you're using, the appropriate rewrite directives are in place to only pass requests to the app server for URI's that *do not* exists.
If you need more precise help, what web server and Ruby app server are you using on the production server?
If you need more precise help, what web server and Ruby app server are you using on the production server?
Thanks and you are right. I need to configure my web server for this to follow symbolic links. I am using a Shared Accelerator on Joyent which has Apache as the web server and Mongrel for the Ruby app server. I am also browsing the discussion forums on Joyent. Thanks for any specifics you can provide on what needs to go there - I will keep that as reference based on what I find on Joyent forums.