Routes offers you the ability to use _path or _url as a way to make
links/redirect/etc throughout your site. However, I'm just wondering
when you should use _path and when you should use _url. Is there a
preference to which one to use? They seem to be fairly interchangeable
(in my very simple app there's no difference which one I use), but
there have to be nuances of when to use which one, otherwise there
wouldn't be both options.
This isn't a very important question, so answer at your own leisure.
Routes offers you the ability to use _path or _url as a way to make
links/redirect/etc throughout your site. However, I'm just wondering
when you should use _path and when you should use _url. Is there a
preference to which one to use? They seem to be fairly interchangeable
(in my very simple app there's no difference which one I use), but
there have to be nuances of when to use which one, otherwise there
wouldn't be both options.
This isn't a very important question, so answer at your own leisure.
_path doesn't include the "" part. _url does.
So if you need the protocol/domain use _url.
For example if you're switching b/n http and https, or between servers, or if you want to include a full URL in an email or for the user to copy...