RoR REST HTTP PUT: XML payload option?

I'm attempting to create a RESTful Web service using 1.2.2. I would like to be able to update a model via an XML payload PUT to the controller, but the scaffold_resource PUT handler (MyController#update) seems to only work with values of the form "modelname[columname]=value". If I supply anything else -- such as the same XML that the scaffolded GET returns -- it gets ignored by the controller.

I'm guessing that I need to roll my own #update, which is fine. How can I get my hands on the raw data sent over by the PUT invocation? Or is there a better way of accomplishing this?


Mark Murphy

I figured it out by poking through the ActiveController::Base source.

To make this work, you have to specify "Content-type: application/xml" in the HTTP PUT request. This triggers logic set up by default in the ActionController::Base.param_parsers hash to parse the XML and put it in the params hash for the REST controller to use.