I was trying to understand everything need to be known to deploy ROR manually. Does someone have some valuable article on that. I am using ROR 4 with ruby 2.1.x and webfaction as an host.
I would like to understand that before automating. It seams there is only one way to deploy right now, capistrano 2 or 3 if you can understand, and there is so little complete and up to date information on it. It is a nightmare for me right now.
Than you very much
I was trying to understand everything need to be known to deploy ROR manually. Does someone have some valuable article on that. I am using ROR 4 with ruby 2.1.x and webfaction as an host.
At it’s very simplest, deployment is no different to what you might do when setting up a new development machine:
checkout the latest version of the app
make sure files like database.yml are correct (typically these aren’t checked into source control since they could be different for each host on which you deploy)
run bundle in case any gems need updating
run migrations (if necessary)
precompile assets
restart whatever you are using to host your app (passenger, unicorn etc.)
Capistrano automates all that, and makes a lot of things more convenient. For example, you typically want to be able to reuse the gems, compiled assets etc from the previous deploy, the normal approach is to put those things in a folder and then symlink them.
There are other tools such as vlad the deployer, mina or git-deploy (for a heroku style deploy-on-git-push workflow)
Do have a look at _Deploying Rails_ (