Roles that are User<>Project Based

Continuing along this thread... I'm interested in creating a SCOPE in the project model (project.rb) that returns all the project's members (bassed on the permissions table <> users & role tables.

Desired output:,

Here's my scope in the model, which isn't returning the desired output:

class Project < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :permissions has_many :users, :through => :permissions #Playing with Scopes

  scope :teammembers,   Project.permissions.joins(:users, :roles)


trying to figure out how to get the output with ActiveRecord. Thanks

nobosh wrote:

Continuing along this thread... I'm interested in creating a SCOPE in the project model (project.rb) that returns all the project's members (bassed on the permissions table <> users & role tables.

Desired output:,

Here's my scope in the model, which isn't returning the desired output:

class Project < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :permissions has_many :users, :through => :permissions #Playing with Scopes

  scope :teammembers,   Project.permissions.joins(:users, :roles)


trying to figure out how to get the output with ActiveRecord. Thanks

You're making the exact same mistake as before. Project.permissions just returns an array of Permission objects.


Thanks Marnen, obviously it hasn't clicked yet but I'll get it! Am I at least right trying to get this to work as a Scope in the Project's model, so I can have the controller pass the team members array to the Controller to the view projects> show.html.erb?


Alright Marnen, I think I'm getting it... I was able to get the team members by using the following in the projects controller:

@teammembers = @project.users

That gives me the users, but it doesn't provide the user's roles. I tried including/joining roles to the code above but that errored. Any tips?


I got this working, but would love to know if this is the way to do it RIGHT with Rails 3?

@teammembers = @project.users.joins(:permissions => :role).select("")

thank you!