Return to Request Page after login.

I have a login form on the left column of a site I am building. The user can visit any page and the form is always present on the left. The middle column of the site is used for the display of site information etc.

My question.

Once the user logs in how to I direct them back to the page they were viewing at the time of registration since it could be any page in the site?

Thank you for your time in advance.

I have a login form on the left column of a site I am building. The user can visit any page and the form is always present on the left.
The middle column of the site is used for the display of site information etc.

My question.

Once the user logs in how to I direct them back to the page they were viewing at the time of registration since it could be any page in the site?

redirect_to :back

check the API for more detail, ActionController::Base

Best. Mike

Store the last action in a session variable. store using    session[:action] = :action_name_to_Return_to before login

On the return page, you can do something like redirect_to :action = session[:action] || = :default_action


Arun Gokule wrote:

Store the last action in a session variable. store using    session[:action] = :action_name_to_Return_to before login

On the return page, you can do something like redirect_to :action = session[:action] || = :default_action


On Jul 2, 10:10�am, Mitchell Gould <>

Great I will try this and get back to you

Michael Breen wrote: