return/break within transactions

I've written a patch/solution for issues I'm having with the transaction system [ongoing in\]

while going through the tests one of the tests caught me out.

at the moment it appears that the following:

SomeModel.transaction do   break end

Will result in a successfully saved @item1 record.

This seems counter intuitive to the concept of the transaction where "everything must succeed"

Can I propose (and include in my patch) that this functionality be altered so that method returns / breaks do NOT cause commits?

I suppose it depends on what you consider to be a normal flow of control vs an exceptional flow. What if you re-wrote your code as the following?

SomeModel.transaction do   if some_condition   end end

I'd think it would be proper for item1 to be saved but not item2. So how different is that from doing a break or return in a transaction block?

hey Josh..

I like the syntax as you described as in my mind the block is doing this:

"until I say GO just try to do the following"    try and save @item1    try and save @item2 if some_condition "ok thats great GO make that permanent"

whereas what I described it is much more ambiguous. using break/return- from-method don't imply either a successful OR a failed transaction.

I think it's this slight confusion that worries me.... if it could have two possible interpretations, then I would hope that the less dangerous one would be implemented?

I'd certainly prefer to find out that the reason my model wasn't being destroyed was that I can't COMMIT a transaction with a 'return', than to discover that my data is going missing because I was using break to drop outs of a transaction early?

I think it's this slight confusion that worries me.... if it could have two possible interpretations, then I would hope that the less dangerous one would be implemented?

I'd certainly prefer to find out that the reason my model wasn't being destroyed was that I can't COMMIT a transaction with a 'return', than to discover that my data is going missing because I was using break to drop outs of a transaction early?

It's way too risky for rails to try and guess what your intentions are. That way lies madness

You can do this at present by raising an exception to roll back the transaction, but you then have to rescue it

so at present you have to do

begin transaction do   raise end rescue SomethingError=>se end

if we could simplify that to

transaction do   raise end

Life would be much easier for all concerned

Alternatively in edge you can currently rollback the transaction explicitly.

That API isn't necessarily the final one, but it would certainly be nice to have an exception you can raise to roll back the transaction without necessarily having to rescue it explicitly.

The problem with the current system is that

@item = begin   transaction do     raise   end rescue end

@item.new_record? == false

I think the syntax for your raise way would be better to keep a system like in edge where rollback! and rollback act differently

transaction do |c|   c.rollback!   puts 'this doesnt happen' end

transaction do |c|   c.rollback   puts 'carries on' end

easy to add on the current system too.....

I've been having fix-off today... [PATCH] that fixes the first problem I mentioned ... though that did involve some magic :slight_smile:

would love some feedback on the ideas.

