Retrieving ID from a POST URI

To note, I only have the URI in a string as its from a POST from an external API as JSON Data. Basically I need this:

I just need the 12345

Obviously, params[:id] won't work so I'm not sure how to get this. I tried this:

    url = data['referring_site']     event_id = CGI::parse(URI::parse(url).query)

But it didn't work. Where the referring_site was the URL in question. Thanks Brad

Is there anything wrong with:


Which will give you what you are looking for, assuming that is the limit of your URL?

Beauty!!!! Thats it. Thank you. Knew it was a string call, just not sure which one. Especially coming from the PHP world. Thanks again. B

bradigan wrote in post #1033619:

To note, I only have the URI in a string as its from a POST from an external API as JSON Data. Basically I need this:

For what it's worth, a request to that URL should be sent using the HTTP PUT method. If I'm not mistaken Rails should then automatically provide "12345" in params[:id].

But, the provided solutions should work for your needs.