So I've got a webapp that stores something, lets say photos.
The photos are currently stored on my webserver's filesystem via attachment_fu. Users can upload photos fine, they get stored fine, and I can display them fine. I jiggered attachment_fu to use custom path/filenames based on the ID of the photo, I'm storing them some place like /public/photos/123.jpg
So far so good.
I have a 'view' section of the photo controller, along with a view that shows the photo itself along with all the associated information on it...owner, date, whatever. Users must be logged in to the site to view photos, so there is a before_filter that tests that. Great. Works fine.
Of course nothing prevents anyone on the Intarwebs from typing in to their browser and having the webserver serve the file up directly. Big problem.
How do I solve this? Here are some ideas I am throwing around...
1) move the storage to outside rails_root and use send_file to stream it directly from the file. (Yucky!) 2) move the storage to the db and stream from there (Ugh, Puke!) 3) move the storage to Amazon S3. I don't know enough about this. Does S3 expose the item to the internet as a url? Can I stream the photo from S3 into rails, and then from rails to the user? There MUST not be a publicly available URL to the photo. 4) ? 5) Profit.
Any other ideas?