restful views

Hi *,   I'm writing a Restful service that should map a pre-existing partially restful site. What I find confusing is how to display models in my views. I'm writing all XML in builder using the respond_to API, but everything I found on the net uses the to_xml method of model's instances, and that's not my case because I don't want to display every attribute of my models. Problem is that to_xml for example gives type informations for most (not all) attributes. Is there a place where this is documented ? How should I write my builder views ? Try a to_xml and rewrite ? Ouch ... :stuck_out_tongue:

TIA, much appreciated,   ngw

Hi, In your controller you can specify what you want to be included in the xml and filter out the stuff you don't want to be there. For example:

render :xml => @survey_response.to_xml( :dasherize => false,             :include => {               :user =>                 {:include =>                   {:city =>                     {:include =>                       {:state => {}                       }                     }                   }                 },               :answers =>                 {:include =>                   {:question => {}, :choice => {}                   }                 }             }           )

that's part of controller i have for one of my apps where i feed back to the xml the answers given by a user who filled a form. And i choose to include the city/state information with the answers, whereas if i do the following:

render :xml => @survey_response.to_xml( :dasherize => false,             :include => {               :user =>                 {:include =>                   {:city =>                     {:include =>                       {:state => {}                       }                     }                   }                 }             }           )

I would be just including the city/state info and leaving out the answers. You could do something similar for your model.

I hope this is helpful