Restful AND Pretty Urls

Is there anyway to have restful AND pretty urls?

For example:

map.resources :users

Would give us nice little helpers users_url new_user_url edit_user_url(@user)


But what if I wanted my urls to be pretty like

Instead of

I want

Basically I want the nice little helpers AND pretty urls.

Joe Blow wrote:


But what if I wanted my urls to be pretty like

Instead of

I want

Basically I want the nice little helpers AND pretty urls.

Let me start out by saying that I actually think your "pretty" url is uglier than the "ugly" url... (: Anyway, I don't think Rails explicitly provides the possibility to completely redefine the look and feel of urls (unless you'ld use map.connect manually that doesn't provide any helper methods), but you can rid of the id's by using the to_param method in your ActiveRecord models as described in Railscasts #63 "Model Name in URL" (#63 Model Name in URL - RailsCasts).

Hope that helps...