restful ajax in droppables

How should i write a nice restful route for an ajax-call that adds a tag to a particular game. I have games, they can have (multiple) tags, and you can edit those in the admin_area, for which i have written these resources:

  map.namespace(:admin) do |admin|     admin.resources :games     admin.resources :tags, :member => {:add_to_game => :post}   end

which gives me admin_games_path etc. By the way, is that (the admin/ tags-controller) a good place for a method to add a tag to a game? Should it be elsewhere (in the admin/game-controller for example)?

My problem is how i should write this in a drop_receiving_element tag, especially how i can pass a put-method with it, since that seems more logical in a restful-context. I had this in my routes (instead of above)

  map.namespace(:admin) do |admin|     admin.resources :games     admin.resources :tags, :member => {:add_to_game => :put}   end

but i didn't know how to write that into my droppable-tag:

drop_receiving_element div_id, :url => add_to_game_admin_tag_path(someid), :hoverclass => 'hover'

that one only seems to generate (ajax) post-requests, and i didn't succeed in passing a :method => :put with the url correcly.

How should i write that?

passing in a method in the options-hash seems to work now, didn't get that to work earlier.

what i'm still confused about is how to use my resource-paths in this line

= drop_receiving_element :delete_bin, :url => admin_tag_path(needs_an_id_here), :method => :delete, :hoverclass => 'hover'

the admin_tag_path needs an id to be able to route to admin/ tags#destroy, is it even possible to use that (path)helper_method here? (since i don't have the id yet). adding a collection to the resource that generates a route without an id to destroy a tag doesn't seem like the right way to go.