I was trying to use the acts_as_tree plugin and I got stuck when trying to do it in a RESTful way. I have a Place model that can have and belong to other places. What is the correct method of creating new places in a RESTful way? I don't necessarily care about have an url / place/id/place/id. I'm mostly interested to know the correct way of passing the parent_id in order to create the new place.
This is my create method:
# POST /places def create @parent_place = Place.find(params[:place_id]) # or do I use @parent_place = Place.find(params[:parent_id])
@place = @parent_place.children.build(params[:place])
respond_to do |format| if @place.save flash[:notice] = 'Place was successfully created.' format.html { redirect_to(@place) } else format.html { render :action => "new" } end end end
# routes.rb map.resources :places, :has_many => :places # is this legal?
Some guidance would be really appreciated. Thanks