Hey all,
I've historically been pretty old-school about my app design. But I'm finally taking a look into REST. I have to say I really understand George Baily's take on the thing, it's not easy to see the magic coming in. However, I figure I'll give it a good shot for a new project and see if I end up getting it.
That being said, I have a question. What would be the stylistically correct way to approach something like adding methods to controllers like GenericController#returnCountOfAllItemsWhereX (Where X could be all Generics newer than Y, etc) I know the function that gets the value should be in the model, but historically I would have created a method in my controller similar to that (ok, not so verbose, but you know ; ) that retrieved the value from the model and sent it out.
Another question would be if I had an association like Project (has_many :tasks) and Task(belongs_to :project), how (being stylistically correct RESTwise) would I go about getting all the Tasks for a Project from the TasksController (ie, I don't want to get the Project then Tasks, but have the Project.id). This make any sense at all?
I've considered that maybe I could create other controllers to handle those functions, which from my understanding is what I should do, but everything I've thought of in that direction just makes the app more confusing. This seems very anti-REST (per my understanding).
How would you REST experts handle these types of situation? Anyway, any help is appreciated, I feel like I'm on the edge of figuring out something very useful, but some issues like this are in my way. I get the impression that REST is a lightbulb kind of thing, and until it lights up it's just tedious seeming.
P.S. Just because it might help make the 2nd example a little less crazy, I'm working on a Flex/Cairngorm/RAMF/Rails project. I'm not returning associations with the Project data.