I suggest that you start by working right through a good tutorial such
as railstutorial.org (which is free to use online), including doing
all the exercises. That will show you the basics of Rails and Ruby.
Otherwise you will later look back at this thread and be embarrassed.
Are You sure, Your tutorial shows me how to handle multiple mongo
documents via presenter ?
What you are looking for is not how to handle multiple mongo documents
via presenter. What you are looking for is a basic understanding of
Rails and Ruby. Without that you have no prospect of succeeding.
You wanna help? Write some code example.
You need to help yourself first. If someone supplies you with the
answer to this specific question then you will soon come back with
another simple problem that you should be able to solve yourself.
When you have worked right through the tutorial (take several days at
it, the time will not be wasted, it will repay itself very rapidly)
then if you still cannot solve the problem come back again. I will be
most surprised if you find that necessary though.