Rendering partials within controller failing on js requests

I am wondering if this is just me or...?

I have a partial contacts/_contact_details.html.erb that works fine when rendering for a html request. When I make a js request and have the render :partial within the controller code it fails and tells me it was unable to find the file.

Here is the controller code: def show     @contact = Contact.find(params[:id])     respond_to do |format|       format.html       format.js { render :partial => "contacts/contact_details", :object => @contact }     end   end

There is a post to the rails trac regarding this where the solution is said that partials should have a extension of .rhtml rather than html.erb

The post can be found here

Is this correct or rather is this they way it is supposed to be? In all the 2.x docs I have seen partials have the html.erb extention.

If I change the partial file to _contact_details.rhtml it works as it should for both js and html requests.
