rendering a javascript script error...

I a using a jQueryUI dialog box which renders very well html code

search.html.haml ===== - content_for :main_content do   #content     = form_tag query_plan_day_meals_path(:plan_id => @plan, :day_id => @day), :remote => true do       #error_messages{:style => "display: none;"}                         .... form fields

I am now trying to render a javascript block given by our partner

search.html.haml ===== - content_for :main_content do   #content{:style => "width:300px;"}     = render :partial => "myscript"

_myscript.html.erb <script src=" key=xxxxxxxxxxx&amp;auto_load=true"></script>

the dialog form is open correctly, but the script is not rendered in it .. ( #content div is empty) and no error message .. no request to this url...

why I am wrong ? thanks for your feedback