removing 'controller_id' completely from URLs

Hi all,

Relative RoR newbie here. I’ve been researching routes, but I haven’t found what I need.

I have an app which has one primary controller (store) which provides a web UI (there are several other controllers for internal ‘stuff’). What I’m trying to do is completely remove the controller name from all generated URLs.

Here’s what I currently have in the routes file:

ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map|


  map.connect '', :controller => 'store'

  map.connect ':controller/:action/:id'



In my templates, the following link_to

<%= link_to "Home", :action => "index" -%>

generates the following URL:


Any action other than ‘index’ seems to insert the controller name into the URL. For example, this link_to

<%= link_to "News", :action => "display_news" -%>

generates the following URL:


What I would like the previous link_to to generate is:


Any help is appreciated.

Carpe viam,


Michael Larocque

Chief Cook and Bottle Washer

Prolumina Communications Inc.

Hi all,

Relative RoR newbie here. I’ve been researching routes, but I haven’t found what I need.

I have an app which has one primary controller (store) which provides a web UI (there are several other controllers for internal ‘stuff’). What I’m trying to do is completely remove the controller name from all generated URLs.

Here’s what I currently have in the routes file:

ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map|


< /SPAN> map.connect ‘’, :controller => ‘store’

map.connect ':controller/:action/:id'


Hmm, not sure how that got munged. routes.rb looks like this:

ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map|

map.connect ‘’, :controller => ‘store’

map.connect ‘:controller/:action/:id’


> What I would like the previous link_to to generate is:

> http://localhost:3000/display_news

Try adding the following to your routes.rb.. it should have the desired result.

map.connect '/display_news', :controller => 'store', :action => 'display_news'


But that requires updates to routes.rb whenever I add a method to the store controller. Not good.

Essentially, any time I generate a link to an action within the 'store' controller, I want the the URL to be of the form:

and _not_

There's got to be a simple way to do this.

Carpe viam, Mike

Michael Larocque Chief Cook and Bottle Washer Prolumina Communications Inc.

Don't have rails here to test this out on but I believe this would work:

map.root '/:action', :controller => 'store'

This I believe will capture all "http://server:port/:action" calls and route them to the StoreController and the proper action.

I usually name my routes for easy link generation, that's why it's map.root instead of map.connect.


Thanks Curtis. That seems to have pointed me in the right direction. Currently, I have

ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map|    map.connect 'account', :controller => 'account' # login    map.root '/:action/:id', :controller => 'store'    map.connect ':controller/:action/:id' end

and this seems to work.

Carpe viam, Mike

Michael Larocque Chief Cook and Bottle Washer Prolumina Communications Inc.

The order of the routes makes a big difference. Out of curiosity what happens currently if you go to a :controller/:action (leaving out the '/:id' portion?)

For example, if you have 'cart' controller and you try to access http://server:port/cart/index does it work? I'm wondering if the map.root rule will match it instead thinking that you mean 'cart' = ':action' and 'index' = ':id'. You should be fine as long as it's ':controller/:action/:id' since that won't match the map.root rule (cause it has 3 parts). Also what happens if you do http://server.port/cart (which I would cause you want to be the cart controller with the default action of index).

If that does happen you may want to move map.root to the bottom and specify a requirements on ':controller/:action/:id' such that it doesn't match your store controller.

map.connect ':controller/:action/:id, :requirements => { :controller => /(?!store)/ }

I believe that requirement regex will work (haven't tried zero-width negative look-ahead assertions in routes yet.

Just some things you might want to look into. Curtis

Thanks Curtis,

Yeah, I'm looking into this some more - after further testing I was seeing several problems. I'm looking into this now - thanks for the suggestions above.

Carpe viam, Mike

Michael Larocque Chief Cook and Bottle Washer Prolumina Communications Inc.

Thanks Curtis. That seems to have done the trick.

Carpe viam, Mike

Michael Larocque Chief Cook and Bottle Washer Prolumina Communications Inc.