I’ve run in to a strange situation where it would be great if there were a way to use " redirect_to :back " to skip back over the previous page and go to the previous, previous page ( :back X 2.) Any one have any ideas how to do this? I think I might end up trying to use the session some how, but want to avoid implementing my own system if possible.
The best thing that you can do is store the link where you want the
application to redirect_to in a later stage
and use it with the redirect_to syntax
session[:return_to] = request.fullpath (use this inside the controller
action where you would like to redirect to)
and then use
redirect_to session[:return_to]
How are you currently paginating? Some of the existing pagination
gems might (I haven't looked) have features to provide individual
links to the next and previous *few* pages, maybe even adjustable.
For instance, if you're on page 7 out of 24, it might provide not only
arrows to 6 and 8, but numeric links to 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, and 10 (and
possibly arrow and/or numeric links to 1 and 24).
I was trying to avoid this approach as I expected it would be a little complex, but your code shows that it is pretty straightforward. Thanks for taking the time to write it out.
Thanks for the idea. Unfortunately the :back :back process that I need to do is back to a previous model in a different view, so pagination won’t do it for me.