RE: datetime_select causing 1 error(s) on assignment of multiparameter attributes

I have recently updated to rails gem: 2.2.2 and am getting an error when datetime_select or a plugin using datetime_select (unobtrusive_datetime_picker - GitHub - brianjlandau/unobtrusive_date_picker: NO LONGER MAINTAINED)

The update is using the basic query and update based on parameters submited      @tour_request = TourRequest.find(params[:id])


and no matter if I use in the view I still get the same error:

    < %=f.unobtrusive_datetime_picker :booked_datetime,:include_blank=>true, :order=> [:month,:day,:year,:hour,:minute],:minute_step=>5 %>                or     <%= f.select_datetime :booked_datetime,:minute_step=>5,:include_blank=>true, :order=> [:month,:day,:year,:hour,:minute] %>     </p>

Any insight into what is causing this error or maybe some experience as there is a ton I've found but nothing with a definitive solution.

full error with the parameters:

My ugly work around is as follows. Just by passing the rails magic and building the datetime value on my own in the controller

#work around for broken datetime_select   params[:tour_request][:booked_datetime]=Time.local(     params[:tour_request][:"booked_datetime(1i)"].to_i,     params[:tour_request][:"booked_datetime(2i)"].to_i,     params[:tour_request][:"booked_datetime(3i)"].to_i,     #add read for am/pm     params[:tour_request][:"booked_datetime(7i)"].to_i==-1 ? params [:tour_request][:"booked_datetime(4i)"].to_i : params[:tour_request] [:"booked_datetime(4i)"].to_i+12,     params[:tour_request][:"booked_datetime(5i)"].to_i,0,0)

   #clean up to avoid multivariable error    params[:tour_request].delete(:"booked_datetime(1i)")    params[:tour_request].delete(:"booked_datetime(2i)")    params[:tour_request].delete(:"booked_datetime(3i)")    params[:tour_request].delete(:"booked_datetime(4i)")    params[:tour_request].delete(:"booked_datetime(5i)")    params[:tour_request].delete(:"booked_datetime(7i)")

I know it is a rusty hammer but hit appears to be hitting nails into the wood just fine.

Cheers, Gregg