raw SQL in migrations

I've taken to using this when I just want a migration to be a big wad of sql;

runsplit.rb in my lib/ directory:

class Runsplit < ActiveRecord::Migration   def self.runsplit(sql)     transaction do       sql.split(';').each do |stmt|         execute(stmt) if (stmt.strip! && stmt.length>0)       end     end   end end

And then whenever I have a migration where want to do the SQL statements by myself, I make the migration inherit off of 'Runsplit', like this;

class AlterUserStates < Runsplit   def self.up     runsplit %q{       ALTER TABLE user_states ALTER COLUMN user_id DROP NOT NULL;       ALTER TABLE user_states ADD session_id TEXT NULL;     }   end

  def self.down     runsplit %q{       DELETE FROM user_states WHERE user_id IS NULL;       ALTER TABLE user_states ALTER COLUMN user_id SET NOT NULL;       ALTER TABLE user_states DROP session_id;     }   end end

This works really well, except when the actual SQL statement has semicolons in it. For that, I'm still using execute();

class GenerateSalt < ActiveRecord::Migration   def self.up     execute %q{       CREATE FUNCTION generate_salt ()       RETURNS CHAR(10)       LANGUAGE PLPGSQL       VOLATILE       AS $$         DECLARE           rv CHAR(10);           i INT;         BEGIN           i := 0;           rv := '';           WHILE i < 10 LOOP             rv := rv || chr((random() * 25)::int + 65);             i := i + 1;           END LOOP;           RETURN rv;         END       $$     }   end

  def self.down     execute %q{DROP FUNCTION generate_salt()}   end end

Tyler MacDonald wrote:

I've taken to using this when I just want a migration to be a big wad of sql;

runsplit.rb in my lib/ directory:

class Runsplit < ActiveRecord::Migration   def self.runsplit(sql)     transaction do       sql.split(';').each do |stmt|         execute(stmt) if (stmt.strip! && stmt.length>0)       end     end   end end

Why? Since (I think) Rails 2.2, all migrations are transactional anyway, and for older versions of Rails, you can just use the transactional_migrations plugin. This just seems to me like a waste of effort.

In any case, if you have large amounts of raw SQL in migrations, something is probably wrong. What are you trying to accomplish?
