random mysql error

Does anyone get the following error at random?

Mysql::Error: Lost connection to MySQL server during query: <query here>

It only happens on my development machine which, unfortunately, is a windows box. It happens like every 10 clicks, but varies. I've got MySQL 5.


Yep, getting these since upgrading to 1.2 RC1 but I’m also getting the errors on edge. I am still investigating as to what is causing this to happen.


We're experiencing the same thing with 1.2 RC1 also, but only on Windows machines. Hope someone figures it out before the release!

It happens to us all the time on 1.1.6 so we use a different Rails adapter for MySQL

Follow the directions here and see if that helps. I understand they tickered with the ruby-only mysql adapter in 1.2 so this might still be a better option:


check out this ticket:



I thought the problem was still occurring even after [5637], but it turns out we had vendor/rails frozen to the 1.2 tag instead of the 1.2 branch, so we didn't have the fix. It seems to be working fine now.

Thanks for your help! Jason