rake redo??

Being someone who likes to write code and do everything myself this rails deal has me grinding my teeth, but I will get over it.

I just noticed after doing a "rake db:migrate" that I mispelled a method/column name. So before doing anything else, I corrected the spelling in the relevant db/migrate .rb file and ran "rake db:migrate" again hoping that would do. However, looking in the db/schema.rb file, nothing had changed. So I erased that and the database and tried rake again and hopefully everything is fine BUT that is hackish, to say the least.

rake db:rollback rolls back the last migration you've run

I've only glanced through the rake docs, --help, etc, and can't find anything pertinent to the issue. Anyone nice wanna explain quick?

rake is a fairly generic ruby tool, so the rake documentation is unlikely to be helpful. in a given context (eg inside your rails folder) rake -T will list available tasks. The migrations guide ( Active Record Migrations — Ruby on Rails Guides ) has some more info.

The other part of my question: does rake affect anything outside db/ ?

rake tasks are arbitrary ruby code. in theory you could have a rake task that launched a missile at the moon. The tasks that rails provides in the db: namespace do just fiddle with the database (or related files like schema.rb)


Frederick Cheung wrote:

rake tasks are arbitrary ruby code. in theory you could have a rake task that launched a missile at the moon. The tasks that rails provides in the db: namespace do just fiddle with the database (or related files like schema.rb)


Thanks all!

Surprised nobody mentioned: rake db:migrate:redo VERSION=<xxx>

It lets you redo a single migration, don't forget to dump the table and then reload it if you want to keep the data.
