rake db:migrate should run for all environements

Because maybe you don't want it to happen all at once, maybe you need to stage things. Imagine you're developing new features for an existing system, and you create some destructive migrations. You want those to automatically affect your other environments when you might not even be done writing and testing code?

A better idea is to realize that these processes are separate and manual and get in the habit of doing it yourself. Plus, if you just use "rake" instead of running a specific test, rake will warn you that you have pending migrations.

I do think that Fernando has a valid point. There is, for example, already a rake task that can create all of your databases at once, namely `rake db:create:all`. A `rake db:migrate:all` might be a useful thing to have. That being said, it would be pretty trivial to code this yourself.


Greg wrote:

I do think that Fernando has a valid point. There is, for example, already a rake task that can create all of your databases at once, namely `rake db:create:all`. A `rake db:migrate:all` might be a useful thing to have. That being said, it would be pretty trivial to code this yourself.


I have to disagree. It's one thing to create the initial empty databases and yet another to migrate them all. These should be kept separate just as Jeff explained.

The normal workflow would be to (1) migrate your development database, (2) prepare your test database (rake db:test:prepare), (3) run your tests, and finally (4) migrate your production/staging database as part of your deployment process/script.

You want your test database to begin in a known state, which is what db:test:prepare gives you. You want to migrate your development database forward for experimentation. And you only want to migrate your production database after all tests pass and your ready to deploy a release.

How in heck can people say that the migration of test_db and dev_db have to be kept separate? These 2 DBs must be in sync (tables, columns) at all time.

Hardly... I want my QA people working on their tests for the last set of changes I gave them.

Once the test DB is migrated, and MY tests pass, then they have at it with their oh so wonderfully oddball "Well, what if I do this?" scenarios...

In the meantime, I want to continue on with my work.