[Rails3] Model.model_name.human not working with ActiveModel::Translation

I am using ActiveModel::Translation, it's working fine for attributes, but I cannot get the Model name translated

in the console I get ..

Profile.i18n_scope => :mongoid ( I am using Mongodb) I18n.locale => :en Profile.human_attribute_name("first_name") => "First Name" Profile.model_name.human => "Profile"

now changing the locale

I18n.locale = :fr => :fr Profile.human_attribute_name("first_name") => "Prénom" ( it works !) Profile.model_name.human => "Profile" ( it doesn't work.... I should get "Profil"

==== Model Profile require 'active_model' class Profile   include ActiveModel::AttributeMethods   include ActiveModel::Translation   include ActiveModel::Validations   extend ActiveModel::Naming ...

==== locale :en en:   mongoid:     model:       profile: Profile     attributes:       profile:         first_name: First Name

==== locale :fr fr:   mongoid:     model:       profile: Profil << I should get it !!!     attributes:       profile:         first_name: Prénom << I get it !!

what could be wrong ? I could not find any similar errors in Google ...

strange, if I ask Model.human_name in the console, I don't get the deprecated message ....

Profile.human_name => "Profile"

thanks for your suggestions



profile: Profile

model should be in plural form.

Thanks Konstantin ... you just confirmed what I finally found looking into lib/active_model/naming.rb

=> options.reverse_merge! :scope => [@klass.i18n_scope, :models], :count => 1, :default => defaults

so I modified my locale files , and I was coming back here to mention it... and read your answer .. !! thanks again ...