rails3 mailer .. how to use a safe mailer not taking in account the I18n.locale

in a multilingual site dev, I need to send localized emails... as I need to define the @template in the mailer method, I don't want to take in account the I18n.locale:

I wrote in my mailer method

    def welcome(user, message)       @user = user       language = user.language # es_ES testing       @template = "#{ActionMailer::Base::template_root}/user_mailer/ #{language}/welcome"       @message = message       mail(:to => user.email, :subject => "Welcome") do |format|           format.html { render :layout => "/mailer/ sbga_user_mail", :template => @template }           format.text {render :layout => false, :template => @template}       end     end

and I have the views : views ----- user_mailer ---------- -en_GB --------------- welcome.html.erb --------------- welcome.text.erb --------- -es_ES --------------- welcome.html.erb --------------- welcome.text.erb

but sending an email to a Spanish user, UserMailer.welcome(current_user, "Lorem ipsum dolor").deliver , with I18n.locale = :en_GB raises an error :

ActionView::MissingTemplate: Missing template /Users/yves/Sites/rails/ testsbga/app/views/user_mailer/es_ES/welcome with {:handlers=>[:erb, :rjs, :builder, :rhtml, :rxml, :haml], :formats=>[:html], :locale=>[:en_GB]} in view paths

as I18n.locale is defined to :en_GB.. it seems to be looking for welcome.en_GB.html.erb in /views/ user_mailer/es_ES/

how can I inform mailer that I don't want to use locale views .... ?