Here is the truncate code I'm using:
<%= truncate(teammember.user.full_name, :length => 8)%>
teammember.user.full_name returns names like:
- Steve Jobs
- Larry Oracle
- James Bond
- Dhandar Kentavolv
Butall the truncate is doing is returning:
- Steve Jobs...
- Larry Oracle...
- James Bond...
- Dhandar Kentavolv...
The user.full_name is not a field in the DB but a helper in the user
model, which might be the issue.?
def full_name
if !fname.nil? && !fname.empty?
[fname, lname].join(" ")
['User', id].join(" ")
I then tried:
<%= truncate("Once upon a time in a world far far away", :length =>
And that returns: Once... and not O...
Any ideas? thanks!
i am not sure but try this
truncate("Once upon a time in a world far far away", :length => 17, :separator => ' ') or
write the outputs examples which you want to come
strange. that didn't work...Or have any effect on the output...
The output examples I want:
<%= truncate("#{teammember.user.full_name}", :length => 5) %>
When full_name return "John Legend"
Should return: John...
Example 2, full_name = Howard Smith
Should return: Howar...
Very strange bug this is.... Is the truncate method reliable? thanks
strange. that didn't work...Or have any effect on the output...
Then maybe the code you're editing isn't actually the code that's
being run. Stick a breakpoint in your code and follow the flow when
truncate is called.
(-- --)
November 12, 2010, 1:27pm
Actually, the :separator parameter is only supported by the newer
version of Rails. For instance, the :separator has no effect in Rails