I have just published version 0.1.0 of Rails SQL Views on RubyForge.
This Gem adds support to Rails for creating and dropping SQL views in migrations as well as modifies schema dumper to support views. Currently it adds ANSI 92 compliant SQL for create_view and drop_view in the abstract connection adapter. It also modifies the MySQL adapter so it uses "SHOW TABLE STATUS" rather than "SHOW TABLE" to return tables and views.
The Gem should appear shortly on RubyForge's Gem repo. You can also get everything from http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=2435&release_id=8648
The rdocs are here: http://activewarehouse.rubyforge.org/rails_sql_views/rdoc/
The README explains how to activate it. You can also use the GemsOnRails plugin to link or freeze the Gem to your Rails app.
Comments and feedback welcome.
V/r Anthony Eden