Rails scaffold on 3.0

There are around 5 tickets on Lighthouse (probably more) about changing Rails scaffold. I would like to summarize the requests here, so we can finally agree in a solution.

First of all, in Rails 3.0 generators will be customizable per application. You will be able to throw your templates in lib/templates and they will be picked on generation.

This enforces the point of view that Rails default scaffold should be a starting point, not only for applications, but also for people who are starting with Rails. This is important to know because we have to ponder things like:

1) Should we put forms in a _form partial? On the same way this is the "best practice", we are adding more code for people to grasp at the beginning.

Another proposed changes are:

2) Change forms to use <ol> and <li> instead of paragraphs;

3) Change show view to use definition list (<dl>), instead of paragraphs and bold (HTML dl tag);

4) Wrap footer links (Show and Back) in paragraphs.

5) Remove inline CSS from:

  <p style="color: green"><%= flash[:notice %></p>

And wrap it around a html class.

What are your point of view for each item?

I agree with the _form partial. All beginner Rails tutorials stress out the DRY convention and here we are, generating duplicate code and not teaching people the power of partials in the very first entry point to the framework that newcomers usually take.

As for semantic markup: I’d definitely get rid of paragraphs—especially if they contain form fields or links that represent user actions (paragraphs are for text)—but I wouldn’t go crazy with “semantic” markup. I would put everything in DIVs since they’re neutral and maybe give them simple classnames. Example:

Name: <%= @[person.name](http://person.name) %>

There’s nothing wrong with element here. We want to bold the word without giving it semantic emphasis (like we would with STRONG).

Take a quick glance at SimpleQuiz archive <http://simplebits.com/notebook/simplequiz/> to understand why introducing semantic markup like (definition) lists is probably a bad idea. Each post from this archive represents a seemingly simple problem and a number of possibilities to lay it out in completely different ways. Also, most posts are followed by tens or even hundreds of comments with other people contributing their ideas and solutions. In the end of the day, no markup style is a clear winner over the alternative.

We don’t want this to happen in the Rails bug tracker with scaffolding markup. Some people prefer to markup their forms with DIVs (like me), others with definition lists, some professionals even mark up form fields with tables because, contrary to the popular belief, they can be accessible as well.

In short: let’s keep this markup simple and neutral by mostly using the non-semantic DIV. The markup doesn’t have to be perfect; it’s just that we should get rid of the really bad things like using paragraphs for everything just because they have default margins in browsers. That is like using BLOCKQUOTE only to indent content.

On mislav’s comment I just have to add that it makes no sense to use when you can use , and if you want the scaffold to have labels show bold, then use css.

Also, personally don’t think you need any extra markup at all, but maybe that’s just me. The simplest form you could have would be something like:


In my experience you only need extra markup on radio buttons and checkboxes to make it look decent. Decent enough for scaffolding at least:

Do you agree?


The other argument for using div’s (vs. dictionary or unordered lists) is that standard error markup wraps the elements in divs. When you use p’s, dd’s or ul’s, the markup rendered back is invalid XHTML.


Just a note: radio is not generated on scaffold.

I agree with the _form partial. All beginner Rails tutorials stress out the DRY convention and here we are, generating duplicate code and not teaching people the power of partials in the very first entry point to the framework that newcomers usually take.

+ 1

As for semantic markup: I'd definitely get rid of paragraphs—especially if they contain form fields or links that represent user actions (paragraphs are for text)—but I wouldn't go crazy with "semantic" markup. I would put everything in DIVs since they're neutral and maybe give them simple classnames.

+ 1. In the absense of a proper semantic tag for form elements, I agree that divs are the way to go.

On mislav's comment I just have to add that it makes no sense to use <b> when you can use <label>, and if you want the scaffold to have labels show bold, then use css.

Also, personally don't think you need any extra markup at all, but maybe that's just me. The simplest form you could have would be something like:

<form ..> <label for="user_name">Name:</labrl> <input ... /> </form>

That's invalid HTML, you need block elements inside a <form>.

What block element? I don't really care. If user's will be able to override the generator templates by putting their own in lib, then, since *everyone* has a different "Right Way" to solve this, let everyone solve this their own way markup-wise. I'd probably go with the most agnostic way (a <div>) and let people override it if they have a better way of solving it.

Regarding the _form partial, removing inline CSS, and all that, +1.

Cheers, -foca

1) Should we put forms in a _form partial? On the same way this is the "best practice", we are adding more code for people to grasp at the beginning.

I think the partial is the best way to keep code DRY, even beginners would learn partials and it's magic easier and faster than anything else inside Rails.

2) Change forms to use <ol> and <li> instead of paragraphs; 3) Change show view to use definition list (<dl>), instead of paragraphs and bold (HTML dl tag);

I agree with everybody, using div's and letting the developer choose whiatever he wants by changing his own template.

4) Wrap footer links (Show and Back) in paragraphs.

Paragraphs would be nice here, or maybe just div's..

5) Remove inline CSS from:

I agree.. What I see more and more people doing is looping through the flash hash and create a message for each one, using css classes like 'flash' + 'notice' or 'error'. That would be a nice change to put it inside scaffold.css.

I agree with all said above.

I think you should put one more option to choice formats in scaffold.

Something like --format=xml,html,json --actionformat=index,rss

So, i can choice what format will be present at controller, maybe per action too.

Nowadays scaffold put html and xml by default, but i think xml isn't a good option to be pressent in every action by default.

It's just an ideia.

Here's my say on the points.

1) +1 on _form partial. We had this before and I didn't hear anyone confused by it. 2) -1 Either keep it <p> tag or use <div> 3) -1 Keep it <p> but use <strong> instead of <b> 4) +1 Isn't it invalid markup not to have it in a <p> tag? 5) +1 Since it generates a CSS file it makes sense to keep all styling in there.


Albert, while talking about we were actually talking about markup on “show” page, not the form. Of course that form labels should be marked with ; in fact, the generated code should use the label helper.

-1 on adding a "--format" option. It will be much easier to add/remove this afterwards in Rails 3 scaffold. Also I think the built-in scaffold is intended to be an example for beginners on what is possible. If you want a robust scaffolding solution which you use in every-day development there are other generators out there (such as my nifty_scaffold) or you can create your own.


There are around 5 tickets on Lighthouse (probably more) about changing Rails scaffold. I would like to summarize the requests here, so we can finally agree in a solution.

Move the scaffold in the direction of Formtastic, which is the leading edge of ideas in Rails forms.

1) Should we put forms in a _form partial? On the same way this is the "best practice", we are adding more code for people to grasp at the beginning.

Yes, but I've never liked the name "_form". It's used to make the render :partial line more readable but isn't an intention-revealing name.

I prefer "_inputs".

2) Change forms to use <ol> and <li> instead of paragraphs;

+1. More like Formtastic, but the point is these decisions shouldn't matter. Jose / someone on Rails core... just make them. You're going to get flooded with semantic arguments that aren't helpful.

3) Change show view to use definition list (<dl>), instead of paragraphs and bold (HTML dl tag);

Don't care. Implementer's judgment call.

4) Wrap footer links (Show and Back) in paragraphs.

Don't care. Implementer's judgment call.

5) Remove inline CSS from:

<p style="color: green"><%= flash[:notice %></p>

And wrap it around a html class.

+1. Good practice.

Dan Croak @Croaky

I know Ryan i have one too.

I agree with you however i think xml should be removed.

As you said just html will be enough to beginners.

Kivanio Barbosa Cel +55 65-8121-4248

Blog: www.kivanio.com.br Company: www.eiqconsultoria.com.br

Nowadays scaffold put html and xml by default, but i think xml isn't a good option to be pressent in every action by default.

This is being handled differently. You should be able to put in your application controller:

  respond_to :html, :xml, :json

And use respond_with in your actions to deal with different formats. No need to handle it in scaffold. More information at:

1) http://ryandaigle.com/articles/2009/8/6/what-s-new-in-edge-rails-cleaner-restful-controllers-w-respond_with/ 2) http://blog.plataformatec.com.br/2009/08/embracing-rest-with-mind-body-and-soul/

Here’s my say on the points.

  1. -1 Keep it

    but use instead of

Ryan, here you’re encouraging the exact type of cargo cult markup which—in my opinion—Rails should stop teaching, and these changes are the right opportunity to do that.

Blindly changing all elements to isn’t a sign of being a good HTML citizen. The element was there in the first place to give a visual style to the attribute name in order to separate it from attribute value. Is there any reason for turning it into an actual emphasis? If so, why not emphasise the attribute value, rather than name? And if you care about semantics that much, why keep the key-value pairs in

elements which are clearly not intended for that?

I’m not bikeshedding, I just want that each proposal or change in the markup is accompanied by solid arguments about why exactly someone wants that; otherwise it’s just cargo culting. Typical cargo-culting in Rails community and Railscasts is that paragraph should be used for whenever you want to just nicely space out some content. Another example in general web development world is that everyone thinks that is bad because it’s non-semantic, that’s going away in the near future and that it should always be replaced with . But in fact, is perfectly all-right, has valid uses and it’s not going away—here it is in the HTML5 spec http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec/Overview.html#the-b-element

  1. +1 Isn’t it invalid markup not to have it in a


No, why would it be invalid? If you ask me it’s better not to wrap navigation links than to put them in an element that was definitely not intended for them. I think footer actions should be wrapped in

and let users decide what to do with that.


i saw this last week, it's amazing.

I just mention about formats to document what format will be default.

Kivanio Barbosa Cel +55 65-8121-4248

Blog: www.kivanio.com.br Company: www.eiqconsultoria.com.br

Blindly changing all <b> elements to <strong> isn't a sign of being a good HTML citizen.

Fair enough. The <b> tag is fine.

> 4) +1 Isn't it invalid markup not to have it in a <p> tag?

No, why would it be invalid?

It's invalid in XHTML Strict to not wrap inline elements in a block element (such as a <p> or <div>). But I just realized scaffolding uses XHTML Transitional so it's not technically invalid there.



Aren't we moving to HTML5?

- Trevor

I would argue that we don't make HTML5 anything close to a default until at least after October when the "last call" working draft is finished.