Rails - references ???

Following this tutorial:

Under; 7.1 Generating a Model

It mentions the following for creating a "Comment" model:

$ rails generate model Comment commenter:string body:text post:references

In post:references

What is "references"? Is it a data type? And, what does it represent?


I saw down few lines in the tutorial the following:

The t.references line sets up a foreign key column for the association between the two models. Go ahead and run the migration:

So, is "references" simply a "Foreign key"?


So did you go ahead and run it? What did it generate in the db for this field?


Colin Law wrote:

There you are then, presumably in the example Comment belongs_to Post, so this is generating the foreign key field for the post. Question answered.


clanlaw wrote:

What do you mean, "what do you mean by run it?"? I don't see any reference to running anything in my post.


clanlaw wrote: