Rails, GC and memory eating mongrels -How to pinpoint cause?

Frederick Cheung wrote:

The details of the query are not important, the significant thing (I think) is that the the result set is relatively large (~100000 rows consisting of 3 numbers)

100.000 rows of numbers (actually objects) where each has 20 bytes of minimum ruby overhead would mean 300.000*20 = 6.000.000 bytes. Possibly even more since objects may have instance variables. Plus the the memory allocator has its own overhead too. Also each row is an object in itself. Think you got it pretty well pinpointed.

While you could try forcing the GC in an after_filter or even better in a before_filter, the best option would be to create fewer objects at Ruby level.


Not sure if this is relevant, but see this:



if the objects you’re referring to are ActiveRecord objects, you could try this guy’s paginating find plugin: http://cardboardrocket.com/


We've also done work on large datasets. At first I was manipulating them with ActiveRecord, but the processing time and memory footprint were just too much for poor Ruby. Since it's only three values coming back per row, try making a direct database and manipulating the results yourself. Though I haven't done a lot of deep work in the source code, I do know ActiveRecord does a ton of work to make database objects easy for you. If you can avoid that work you'll get a nice performance increase.

We switched to using Java for the processing we're doing, though I'll most likely move to Python here shortly so it's easier to modify the scripts. As an rough benchmark, we were processing 100,000 entries out of an text file into a single database table. Using Ruby and ActiveRecord the process took over 48 hours, while in Java using iBatis it took about three hours. There's a lot of additional processing going on with each record, such as checking for updates versus creates and maintaining PKIDs, so ActiveRecord gets a good work out.