Rails find condition that references an array generates error unless debugger is on

I am getting inconsistent results when trying to pass an array as a find condition (using SQL WHERE...IN...). My code generates a StatementInvalid error unless execution is interrupted by the debugger, in which case the array is passed as expected (when execution resumes after issuing the 'cont' command).

#application.rb def current_organisation_units   current_user.organisation_unit_contacts.map {|o| [o.organisation_unit_id]}   # debugger # When this line is commented out, execution fails; when this line is enabled, execution succeeds. end

#people_controller.rb def index   @people = Person.find(:all, :conditions => ["clients.organisation_unit_id IN (?)", current_organisation_units], :include => :clients) end

The error (note the DBMS is Postgres): ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (PGError: ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "--- - 1

The SQL that is generated: ...WHERE (clients.organisation_unit_id IN (E'--- - 1 ')

With the debugger line in application.rb enabled, the following SQL is generated: ...WHERE (clients.organisation_unit_id IN (1)) This works as expected.

Any thoughts?

def index   @people = Person.find(:all, :conditions => ["clients.organisation_unit_id IN (?)", current_organisation_units], :include => :clients) end

The error (note the DBMS is Postgres): ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (PGError: ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "--- - 1

the error above want say that current_organisation_units is saved in YAML version, current_organisation_units is array if it is saved in DATABASE it will be YAML version like "--- 1 " but if it is parameter array, it will be string "1", the matter now you should convert current_organisation_units to array back. try using:


I dont know "current_organisation_units" come from. is it parameter or from table. so i only argue like above. I am not sure that if your array contains many element, your conditions in .find will work.

just come back if you get error. I hope my opinion can help you.

Reinhart blog : http://teapoci.blogpsot.com YahooMessenger: sxapril

Thanks for you reply. Current_organisation_units is a method (not from a table) that uses current_user (from the restful_authentication plugin). My main issue is that the behaviour is correct if I interrupt execution with the debugger, but incorrect without the debugger. Although it would be interesting to find out what the debugger does that causes this difference, I'm mostly concerned with getting my code working without the debugger, of course.

Thanks for you reply. Current_organisation_units is a method (not from a table) that uses current_user (from the restful_authentication plugin). My main issue is that the behaviour is correct if I interrupt execution with the debugger, but incorrect without the debugger. Although it would be interesting to find out what the debugger does that causes this difference, I'm mostly concerned with getting my code working without the debugger, of course.

well having debugger on the last line of a function will change the
return value of the function (since a functions return value is the
value of the last statement). Why it changes it in any particular way
is anyone's guess

But your problem here is current_user.organisation_unit_contacts.map {|o|
[o.organisation_unit_id]} This will return something like [[1], [23], [485]] rather than


Whoops. Thanks for spotting this for me, Fred. It's working now that I've changed that line to: current_user.organisation_unit_contacts.map {|o| o.organisation_unit_id}