Rails does not see installed gem in production.

Everything works like a charm locally, but running in production (Dreamhost shared with Passenger if it matters), "These gems that this application depends on are missing \n -rmagick"

Rmagick is installed on dreamhost, but I have also copied the gem into the vendor directory, so it's not even found within it's local files. I'm using config.gem 'rmagick', which works locally, but I can't imagine how this could be a dreamhost issue since the gem sits inside vendor. On the other hand I can't imagine how this could be a production specific problem either, so as you can see I am lost :slight_smile:

Everything works like a charm locally, but running in production (Dreamhost shared with Passenger if it matters), "These gems that this application depends on are missing \n -rmagick"

Rmagick is installed on dreamhost, but I have also copied the gem into the vendor directory, so it's not even found within it's local files. I'm using config.gem 'rmagick', which works locally, but I can't imagine how this could be a dreamhost issue since the gem sits inside vendor. On the other hand I can't imagine how this could be a production specific problem either, so as you can see I am lost :slight_smile:

Rmagick has native extensions right? Maybe you need...

rake gems:build # Build any native extensions for unpacked gems



Rmagick has native extensions right? Maybe you need...

rake gems:build # Build any native extensions for unpacked gems



I didn't even consider that. I know there are separate windows and linux versions and I did vendorize the right one.

When I run "rake gems:build", it exits without a whisper. No errors but maybe not much else either. It didn't help though.

When I try gem install rmagick --install-dir=/home/<user>/gems it throws "Failed to build gem native extension".

Below that there's also

"Can't find Magick-config in /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/games"

I have absolutely no idea what it's trying to do and why in that directory

Messy, but I don't think even this is the source of my problem. Presumably dreamhost's own rmagick install is functioning correctly, but when I clear it from vendor it still doesn't manage to find the native install.

Wow, just got it going.

replaced config.gem 'rmagick' with

require 'rubygems' gem 'rmagick' require 'rmagick'

Old fashioned did the trick. Don't know why, don't care, I need to get some rest.
