Rails Beginner.. NoMethodError

Dear all

I encounter error when I login my Web application NoMethodError in AdminController#login undefined method `get_title' for #<Class:0x63ac78>

Here is part of my code controller/admin_controller.rb   def login     session[:user_id] = nil     if request.post?       if User.authenticate(params[:name], params[:password])         user = User.find_by_name(params[:name])         if !user           user = User.new           user.name = params[:name]           user.title = User.get_title #I think this trigger the error           user.save         end         session[:user_id] = params[:name]         redirect_to(:controller => 'ecpath_app_version', :action => 'index')       else         #flash[:notice] = "Invalid user/password combination"       end     end   end

Here is my user model model/user.rb require 'net/ldap'

class User < ActiveRecord::Base

  set_table_name "users"   attr_accessor :title

  def self.authenticate(username,password)     treebase = "dc=corp,dc=ha,dc=org,dc=hk"     filter = Net::LDAP::Filter.eq( "sAMAccountName", username )     login_succeeded = false     ldap_con = initialize_ldap_con(username,password)     if ldap_con.bind       login_succeeded = true       @title=ldap_con.search( :base => treebase, :filter => filter, :attributes => 'displayname').first.displayname.to_s     end     login_succeeded   end

  # I have define the get_title here..   def get_title     return @title   end

My users table schema name varchar(20) created_at datetime updated_at dataetime title varchar(30)

Please give me some advices. Thank you.


try changing User.get_title to user.get_title you are trying to access a method on the class instead of on the instance.

Cheers Simon